Monday 1 November 2010

Influence Of Public Schools Section

Nationwide sport developed in 1830, introducing public schools governing bodies. This was the start of public schools and the public schools scheme introducing Physical Education to the curriculum. This meant that more and more kids were being introduced to sport and physical activity. This was a great thing for sport because more and more young people were getting introduced to sport and physical activity. This would not only improve the fitness and health of the young people but allow individuals to follow and progress in there chosen sport. A few examples of sports played in the curriculum were sports such has Cricket, Football and athletics. These would be early adaptations of sport and would be played because you can teach the sport to a group of students in this curriculum. The Physical Education Curriculum in schools has developed over the years and in this day and age it is seen as a required subject for students to participate in, extra curriculum physical education is also seen and you can take it has a BTEC and GCSE option in higher education. This has developed sport because of more and more people participating has made sports more challenging, physical and competitive for the serious side of sport but also the enjoyable, fun side too it all.

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